Comyn’s New Forest: 1817 Directory of life in the parishes of Boldre & Brockenhurst, edited by Jude James

Author: Kath Walker

A review by Peter Roberts

Comyn’s New Forest, edited by Jude James, provides a window into the early 19th century world around Boldre and Brockenhurst.  It shows and maps every household in the two parishes (which included East Boldre and Sway) more than a generation earlier than any county directory and a quarter of a century before the first census information.  It was written by Henry Comyn for his successor in the parishes, the Rev Charles Shrubb. The details that Comyn provide have been enhanced by a great deal of research from the editor to make this book an extraordinarily useful resource not only for family historians but for all with an interest in life in the New Forest.

Extensive indexes have added to the accessibility of the material and together with the numerous illustrations provide a most interesting introduction to life in the area before the reign of Queen Victoria.

Date: 1817

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