New Forest Tavern Signs

The Christopher Tower New Forest Reference Library is always on the lookout for relevant additions to its collections. This morning the team was very pleased to receive an album of 1980s photographs of New Forest pubs and tavern signs. Highlights include the Morant Arms, Brockenhust; the Fleur de Lys, Boldre; the Rose and Crown, Brockenhurst; the Royal Oak at Downton with the oak emerging from the Inn’s foundations; and the Ship in Distress, an old pub once run by ‘Mother Sellars’ and figuring prominently in local smuggling history around Fisherman’s Bank. We will endeavour to keep you updated with information about new acquisitions as they arrive.

  1. Kath Walker

    Copyright clearance has been received, so we will be able to post the images from this album on New Forest Knowledge as soon as scanning is complete!

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