BUCKLE 99556

Description: Copper alloy oval double looped buckle. The frame is flat on the reverse, slightly convex on the upper surface with slightly bevelled inner edges. The outer edges are widened. The frame is unusually constricted for a pin in the centre of one of the outer edges. The frame is broken at the junction between this loop and the bar on one side. The bar is circular in section. The copper alloy pin is bent around the frame, tapers to a point and is D-shape in section. Perhaps the pin, pin constriction and plate are later additions to this buckle. The plain copper alloy plate is folded around the bar and to form an upper and a lower plate. The plate is not recessed and both plates are broken off, one quite irregularly.
Date: 1600 - 1700

Object type: BUCKLE

Last import: August 15, 2017

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