BROOCH 92249

BROOCH 92249
Description: Slightly bent copper alloy 'Winchester Type' Late Iron Age/ Early Roman La Tene III type brooch with four circular-sectioned coils. In profile it would have been rectanglar in shape, the bow projecting at 90° from the coils before dropping again at 90°. It is unsure how long the first projection would have been as the bow is now bent in two places. The bow is 1mm thick and 4mm wide below the coils (it extends from one of the centre coils). The bow widens to 8.5mm at its mid-point then narrows again to 3.5mm before it thickens to 1.5mm and projects backwards to become the catchplate, again at 90 °. The bow is now quite worn but two horizontal grooves can be seen below the widest point, and one above. The widest point is missing its original patina which perhaps suggests this was the point at which the bow bent. The pin is intact but also bent, inwards to follow the rectangular line of the bow. It extends from the other central coil. Length 34.5mm, coil-width 9mm. Weighs 4.36g. Estimated original length 29mm with an outward projection of 26mm. 1st century BC/ AD. Cf Hattatt no.245.
Date: -100 - 100

Object type: BROOCH

Last import: August 15, 2017

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