Description: A post-medieval (1700-1900) copper-alloy finger-ring, possibly originally gilded. The hoop is D-shaped in cross-section, being flat to the inside and undecorated. At the back it measures 4.5x2.4mm. It expands at the base of the shoulders, delineated by a curving groove and measuring 7.7 and 8.0mm wide. The shoulders expand to max.14.6mm wide at the centre of the bezel and are decorated with irregularly-arranged punch marks, some of which appear to retain traces of gilding. The centre of the bezel is mounted by a shield 14.2mm long and 11.9mm wide. It has a pointed base, incurved long edges and a top edge with two incurved part, reaching a point at the centre. The shield features a probable squirrel facing left above a band of horizontal cabling. The top of the creature is obscured by copper alloy corrosion. Behind the bezelon the inside of the finger-ring is a maker's mark, a stamped TH within an arrow. It has a die axis of 6 when compared to the shield at the front of the bezel. The shape of the shield suggests an 18th or 19th century date. The finger-ring measures 23.1x24.5mm (internal 18.4x17.9mm) and weighs 10.99g.
Date: 1700 - 1900

Object type: FINGER RING

Last import: September 28, 2017

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