SWORD 136754
Description: Possible fragment of Late Bronze Age sword of the Carps Tongue type.
In section this fragment has a prominent mid-rib 5.4mm thick and c.10mm wide. One side of this is missing (probably recent damage). On the other side the blade extends c.11mm, thickening after it narrows either side of the mid-rib, then thinning towards the blade edge which is missing its bevelled edge, also due to recent damage.
The metal is dark green in colour and has a rough feel. The fragment measures 26.7mm wide (probably originally c.38-40mm wide), is 20.1mm in length and max5.4mm thick. It weighs 7.01g.
Carps Tongue swrods date from the 9th to 8th century BC.
Date: -900 - -700
Object type: SWORD
Last import: August 15, 2017