VESSEL 136743

VESSEL 136743
Description: Two sherds from a Roman New Forest ware 'bag' beaker of 4th-century AD date. The fragments are from the same vessel and have been glued together by the finder. They are a rim sherd and a body sherd respectively, of pale fabric with brown colour coat. The original rim can be extrapolated out to an approximate diameter of c. 50mm. The rim is only slightly lipped, with slight impressed band below. There is a further impressed band above the decorative field, the decoration consisting of incised 'wavy' patterns in three horizontal lines. The beaker is incurving below the decoration. The internal face has concentric shallow ridges down its length. On the smaller rim sherd (L.: 42.0mm, W.: 41.75mm, Th.: 4.75mm) elements have been lost from the rim and outer body; the fragment is worn and some colour coat has been lost. The larger body sherd (L.: 58.75mm, W.: 50.65mm, Th.: 4.75mm) is similarly worn and has lost much of its colour coat, especially on the exterior. The decoration suggests classification as a Type 49 beaker in the Fulford (1975, 58, 61) corpus, a type which is tentatively dated to the second quarter of the 4th century.
Date: 320 - 350

Object type: VESSEL

Last import: August 15, 2017

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