Eyeworth Lodge, Lyndhurst, Hants. July 14th 1900. Letter to Mr. Eyre from R.W.S. Griffith.

Author: RWS Griffith
Description: Confirms receipt of letter and copy from Agenda; believes Mortimer has not had it yet; has written to Mortimer asking for it and will let Birkett have it without delay. Queries if this means that Major Kinlock has been down to report on the Beaulieu site and will write to get a copy. Approves Eyre's involvement in the 'Straying Matter'; says King has contacted him as he is being pressured by 'people in the South to work the North' and has asked him to 'let the matter lie quiet until our Committee meeting next week'. He ends by hoping Eyre's business in Lyndhurst will finish in time to 'come out with us'. Pencilled notes are: '17.7.00 Mortimer writes me that he had not yet had Major Kinlock's report and as the Bill is dead he ? ? ?' and 'J TRY'.
Publisher: None
Period covered: 14-Jul-00
Format: Letter: Typed on headed notepaper with handwritten additions in ink. Pencilled notes added by recipient.

Primary Reference: 300000022

Last import: December 21, 2022

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