Grant and Quit-claim

Description: By William Atte Hale, son and heir of Richard atte Hale of Rugwyk, to Ralph Atte Hurlonde of Rugwyk and Margery his wife (sister of the said William) and to William their son and the heirs of his body of all lands and tenements which the grantor had by succession of inheritance after the decease of the said Richard his father in Rugwyke To hold of the chief lords of the fee by the service therefor due and accustomed and rebdering to the said William the grantor yearly 2 shillings for the term of his life Reversion of the premises in default of heirs of the body of William, son of the said Richard and Margery, to the grantor and his heirs Witnesses:- Walter Love, Wm. de Bernekneppe, Richard de Weyhurst, Ralph Burnel, Robert atte Alnette. Given at Horsham Endorsed:- Russel de La Hurlond in Rugwyke Later: A settlement from William Hale to Ralph Hurland
Date: 02/03/1326
Last import: September 11, 2017

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