Memories of an entertainer

Author: Gareth Owen

An oral history interview with Brenda Logie. Interview Date 07/10/2012

Brenda Logie was a convent school girl in Southampton when she started singing to the troops as part of a concert party. She sang at camps throughout Hampshire and the New Forest, mostly on makeshift stages of carpet covered packing cases.

Bungled into the back of army trucks, she and the band were often taken to secret camps with no names in the thicker parts of the forest. There she entertained Allied troops from America, Norway and France, as well as singing at private concerts for badly burnt troops recovering from plastic surgery at Marchwood Priory. Her most memorable evening though came in May 1945 when she was interrupted mid concert with the announcement that the war in Europe was over. The concert turned into a celebratory sing along.

Brenda said: ‘I think personally the best thing about the official celebrations which took place the following weekend was all the lights coming on again. When it’s been completely dark for four years to see lights in the windows of houses and in the few remaining shops we had left after the Blitz and in the pubs, was super.

Brenda sadly died on the 5th January 2021.

Interview Quick Clips:

All material is ©2014 New Forest National Park Authority.

Full transcription of interview recordings: 

Download transcription (PDF)

Interviewed by: Sue Jackson
Transcription by: Helen Wallbridge
Audio Editor: David Dalton

Date: 1943
  1. Gareth Owen

    The team at New Forest Knowledge have been informed that this very lovely and brave lady died on the 5th January 2021. Our thoughts are with her friends and family.

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