BROOCH 836264

BROOCH 836264
Description: A fragment of a copper alloy, Roman T shape brooch, dating to the period AD 50-150. The fragment is compromised of the wings, head and the very top of the bow. The wings are cylindrical is shape and cross section, with two fine grooves surrounding each terminal. The terminals are closed off. On the posterior side of the wings, there is a central groove which exposes a very stunted pin head. The head of the bow arches upwards at an obtuse angle and is elaborately decorated. The top of the design is a very fine arched groove, and beneath it a series of 8 tiny horizontal triangles (four on each side), which are slightly raised, giving the brooch and bumpy texture. Dividing up this triangle pattern are two fine grooves which flay out at the bottom. There is an undecorated area, and below this then a raised area which is decorated with 8 fine horizontal lines. The height of the brooch is 19.15mm, the width is 27.34mm, the thickness is 5mm and the weight is 3.87g. Please see Hattatt (2007) "A Visual Catalogue of Richard Hattat's Ancient Brooches" page 302, fig 161, Nos. 1519 and 391.
Date: 50 - 150

Object type: BROOCH

Last import: August 15, 2017

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