BROOCH 824027
Description: A Iron Age or Roman copper alloy fragment of a strip bow brooch, (Aucissa derivative) dating to the 1st century AD.
The fragment is the wings, a small part of the head and the bow. The head of the bow should roll downwards on a strip bow brooch, with this example the head rolls upwarda although this appears to be damage rather than design. The bow is decorated the two grooves, which are filled with tiny incisions. The grooves start at the widest point of the bow, and finish just before the bow narrows to the foot which has broken off. The bow wider near its wings, and progressively gets narrower down to where the foot would have been.
Overall, the maximum length of the fragment is 49.65mm, the maximum width is 12.45mm. The fragment weighs 2.41g.
A fair example of this brooch can be found in Richard Hattatt (2007) "A Visual Catalogue of Richard Hattatt's Ancient Brooches" page 319, fig 178, No. 341B.
Date: 10 - 100
Object type: BROOCH
Last import: August 15, 2017