BROOCH 723676

Description: A copper alloy Roman trumpet derivate brooch dating to the period AD 50-175. The brooch is missing the curl of the catchplate and the top of the head loop and the pin is bent. The brooch comprises the bottom of the head loop which is decorated with an incised line across the brooch just beneath the head loop. The shoulders of the brooch then broaden out to the sides with the top line curving downwards. The bar to attach the pin is inserted through the shoulders which then narrow to the bow. The bow is decorated with five lines of raised relief (the centre line wider and thicker than those on either side) at the peak of the bow which then narrows as it continues to the foot which extends forwards and appears to have incised lines along the front edge. The back of the brooch is undecorated. The pin is hinged. The catchplate extends back from the lower part of the bow. The patina is an even dark green. Cf Hattatt, R, 2007, A Visual Catalogue of Richard Hattatt's Ancient Brooches, Oxbow Books, Oxford p 330 fig 189, no 962.
Date: 75 - 175

Object type: BROOCH

Last import: August 15, 2017

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