Description: Boldre, Hampshire, 1608 radiates to AD 274 The earliest coin in the find is of Trebonianus Gallus (AD 249-51). The latest was struck in AD 276, towards the end of the reign of Tacitus (AD 275-6). Most of the coins date to the period AD 260-274 when the Empire was divided between the Gallic empire, whose capital was at the city of Trier but which had held dominion over Britain, and the legitimate ('central') Empire in AD 274. Summary by reign: Central Empire Trebonianus Gallus (AD 249-51), 1 Joint reign of Valerian & Gallienus (AD 253-60) Valerian I, 8 Gallienus, 1 Salonina, 1 Sole reign of Gallienus (AD 260-8) Gallienus 204 Salonina, 19 Claudius II (AD 268-70), 161 Divus Claudius, 11 Quintillus (AD 270), 17 Aurelian (AD 270-5), 2 Tacitus (AD 275-6), 1 Gallic Empire Postumus (AD 260-9), 36 Marius (AD 269), 3 Victorinus (AD 269-71), 391 Divus Victorinus, 2 Tetricus I (AD 271-4), 520 Tetricus II, 189 Uncertain emperor (AD 260-274), 6 Barbarous radiates Claudius II / Divus Claudius prototypes, 15 Aurelian prototype, 1 Gallic Empire prototypes, 19 Total 1608 The pottery container Found with the coins were fifteen sherds (one base, the rest body; no rim sherds) of a globular vessel, probably a flagon, composed of a pink fabric with small red inclusions and a brownish-red slipped surface. There is at least one band of rouletting on the outside. Impressions of coins are still visible on the inside of the sherds. There is no question that this is the container for the coin hoard and thus qualifies as part of the same treasure deposit.

Object type: COIN HOARD

Last import: August 15, 2017

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