Description: A Late Medieval/ Early Post-Medieval (1400-1600) base silver finger-ring, measuring 21.22mm in diameter (internal 19.19mm) and weighing 2.05g.
The hoop is D-shaped in cross-section, being flat to the inside surface, and measuring 3.38x0.88mm at the back. It widens to 6.4mm at the shoulders, each of which is decorated with a pair of transverse grooves at the join with the bezel, with a grooved flower motif and S-shaped stem extending into the hoop below. The bezel is rectangular (7.33mm wide) with a border of rocker-arm and an additional diagonal line of rocker-arm between two opposing corners, over a five-petalled flower motif.
Date: 1400 - 1600
Object type: FINGER RING
Last import: August 15, 2017