BROOCH 181192

BROOCH 181192
Description: Incomplete copper alloy, enamel and tinned Roman plate brooch of the umbonate type with a hinged mechanism, missing axis bar, pin and with damaged decorative lugs. Some of the enamel is also missing. The brooch measures 25.8x30.3mm (it would have originally measured c.28x32.5mm) and weighs 8.52g. The brooch is rounded and convex to the rear. Decoration is in the form of a 6-pointed star around a central ring-and-dot motif. Enamel survives in five of these points and is alternately blue and yellow. The points of the star touch a 19.3mm diameter band which defines the extent of the rounding. This creates a wide triangle between each point, at the centre of which is a diamond shape in copper alloy. The rest of the triangle is filled with red enamel. Around this central rounded area is a flatter band from which the remains of ten equidistant lugs project. One of these (that behind the catchplate) is complete. The wear on the others could be damage from the plough soil. The lugs are circular with a central ring-and-dot, except that behind the hinge mechanism which although only half survives, is pierced. the area between the lugs and the rounded centre has traces of tinning. To the reverse, the curl of the catchplate is mostly missing and the piercings of the hinge lugs have been broken through. Late 1st century-2nd century in date.
Date: 75 - 200

Object type: BROOCH

Last import: August 15, 2017

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