BUCKLE 1020662

BUCKLE 1020662
Description: An incomplete copper alloy composite buckle with forked spacer, dating to the medieval period, c. AD 1300-1400. A single spacer and part of the single loop frame survives. Around 30% of the circumference of the loop survives. It is triangular in cross section. The spacer is long and tapers to a sharp point, and is trapezoid in section. There is a marked groove on the rectangular point at which the spacer joins the frame, which appears decorative. There is a slight shine to the now green copper alloy surface which suggests it may have once been silvered. Egan and Pritchard (1991, p. 330) illustrate a number of similar composite buckles with forked spacers, usually bigger in size and with a slightly different shaped frame, which they date to AD 1350-1400. Measurements: 51.6mm length, 3.8mm width, 2.1mm thickness, weight 2.97g.
Date: 1300 - 1400

Object type: BUCKLE

Last import: September 22, 2022

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