Ladycross Lodge

Ladycross Lodge
Country Life

Former keeper's lodge, leased by the crown in 1873 to Colonel Bagot, in 1876 to Charles Baston, and in 1878 to Colonel William Wilberforce Harris Greathed (1826-78) of the Bengal Engineers. Greathed's widow kept on the lease, subletting to tenants (including George Meyrick and Lionel Munro-Walker), until in 1897 she transferred it to her son-in-law Lord Justice Darling (1849-1936). Darling made some improvements. In 1915 he transferred the lease to Mrs Wyndham F. Cook (1856-1925), whose late husband had been partner in a Manchester wholesale drapers. Mrs Cook made extensive improvements, with Guy Dawber as her architect.

Date: 1873
Last import: August 15, 2017

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