Ladycross Lodge
Former keeper's lodge, leased by the crown in 1873 to Colonel Bagot, in 1876 to Charles Baston, and in 1878 to Colonel William Wilberforce Harris Greathed (1826-78) of the Bengal Engineers. Greathed's widow kept on the lease, subletting to tenants (including George Meyrick and Lionel Munro-Walker), until in 1897 she transferred it to her son-in-law Lord Justice Darling (1849-1936). Darling made some improvements. In 1915 he transferred the lease to Mrs Wyndham F. Cook (1856-1925), whose late husband had been partner in a Manchester wholesale drapers. Mrs Cook made extensive improvements, with Guy Dawber as her architect.
Date: 1873
Last import: August 15, 2017