TNA SC 8/276/13777

Author: Forz, Isabel de, Countess of Aumale
Description: The Countess of Aumale requests: 1) delivery of her woods of Lymington, taken into the King's hand at the last eyre at Winchester for waste made by Earl Baldwin's keepers when he was a ward of Henry III, as she requested at the last parliament, and that Clifford be ordered by writ to do nothing in this matter, because the steward of the New Forest can do nothing without the original writ;2) remedy against the foresters of the New Forest who distrain and attach at will in her borough of Lymington and hundred of Christchurch, which they should not do because the borough and hundred answer before justices errant and are not within the ancient bounds of the forest;3) that the decision made in the last eyre concerning the hambling of dogs in Lymington be upheld against the foresters who demand the hambling of dogs which should not be hambled;4) remedy against the foresters who distrain her tenants for pannage and other issues found in her wood for the past four years when the wood was not in the King's hand.
Period covered: [? 1281]
Format: Photocopied manuscript

Primary Reference: 300003622

Last import: June 1, 2023

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