Families and People of Burley A-Z

Description: VICARS-MILES, VOULES, WATNEY, WATTS Vicars-Miles, Pat - “Burley Village Magazine” Letter re her service as F.N.O Secretary Voules, Eveleen –Telegraph, December 27th, 1978 death notice Sanders Watney - cutting February, 18th, 1983 death notice Watts – photographic negative “Herbert Watts at North Farm, pre 1920(see Photographic file); cutting 1948 funeral of Herbert Watts; letter May 10th, 1977 about a photograph of Herbert W. [see above?]; extracts from “Burley Village Magazine” November 1976 about Ern Watts and Ernie Morris
Format: Printed articles 2, Letter 1, Newscuttings 3

Primary Reference: 300000819

Last import: January 27, 2023

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