Families and People of Burley A-Z

Description: MACKWORTH-PRAED, MARCHANT “Mackworth-Praed” – cutting 19th June 1964, awarded OBE; cuttings (1969(2), Golden Wedding; cuttings 1994 (3) death Marchant – cutting 198? Wendy Nicholas (neé Marchant) as a competition winner; cutting 1969 – an award to B.G. MARCHANT; “Burley Village Magazine” March 1973 – article on Richard Marchant in Nepal; “BIM” July 1974 re Burley Street Shop (E&S Marchant); cutting (undated) Wendy Marchant as “Miss Burley”; letter 17th January,1981 from Dennis B. Marchant about family history; cutting 1948 – death of Frank Marchant; cutting 1967 – Harry Marchant awarded B.E.M; letter 11th November, 1957 from C. Grogan[?] (neé Marchant); cutting 22nd February 1985 – tribute to late Harry Marchant; “Burley Village Magazine” March 1985. Obituary of Harry Marchant.
Format: Printed articles 4, Letters 2, Newscuttigs 13

Primary Reference: 300000809

Last import: January 27, 2023

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