Families and People of Burley A-Z

Description: LAVENDAR, LAWFORD, LEEK, LEWIS, LITTLE, LUCAS John Lavendar - cuttings (3), retirement 1978, 1979 (2) M. Lawford & Sons – copy from “Burley Village Magazine” Jan. 1971 “Mrs. Leek the Witch of Burley” – cutting from a German newspaper of Sybil Leek with broomstick; cutting April 4th,1979 Sybil Leek in U.S.A. (3) Kevin Lewis – cutting September, 21st 1980 – 60 years in Choir; “Burley Village Magazine” Oct. 1970 an Appreciation Dr. R.H. Little – Cuttings (2) 1979 Death Baroness Lucas – cutting Nov 28th, 1958 – death; letters from H.L. Cooper September 25th, 1960, October 15th, 1961; letter June 16th, 1960 from A. Whitaker Ridler; letter October 3rd, 1960 from Jane Whitaker; note about A. Whitaker Ridler; letter July, 11th 1962 from H.L. Cooper with photocopy of photograph of Lord Lucas.
Format: Photocopied extracts 2, extract 1, Letters 5, Franked envelopes 2, Photocopied portrait, Newscuttings 12

Primary Reference: 300000808

Last import: January 27, 2023

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