Burley House Details A-Z Estate Agents particulars, advertisements and other

Description: “Vereley” (1973(3), 1976, 1977(2), 1978, 1979; cuttings 1979. “The Old Vicarage” 1976, 1977, 1984, 1985; sale particulars no date “Wayside Cottage”, 1973, 1984 “Wellington Cottage”, cutting from “Burley Village Magazine”, May 1975 – equates with “Stavegate”? (2 copies) “Westering”, 1984 “White Cottage”, 1971 “White Moor”, 1971(2) “White Oaks”, 1971 “Windrush”, 1984 “Wood’s Corner Hotel”, 1971, 1979 “Woods Corner Cottage”, 1981(2) “Yew Tree Cottage” 1963; notes on deeds (2 sheets); [See Photographs c. 1921]
Format: MSS notes, Estate Agents particulars, advertisements, newspaper article

Primary Reference: 300000794

Last import: January 27, 2023

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