Burley House Details A-Z Estate Agents particulars, advertisements and other

Description: “Rubbles Cottage”1967 “Rubbles Edge” 1976 “Rye Close” – manuscript notes “Sandford Way” – manuscript notes “Sandy Shoot” – residential home advertisement “Sandhills” 1984 “Sandy Ridge” 1976 [See Photograph Collection] “Sedge Copse” 1976 “Shappen Farm” 1964 “Stave Gate” – greeting card with photograph 1954 “Stocks Cottage” 1967, 1969 “Stocks Farm” – sale particulars and plan 1936; plan 1937; letter 1948 re passage in cellar; sale adverts 1961; cutting 1983 "Street Farm" 1974 “Tates Cottage” – sale advert 1986 “Toms Plot” – manuscript notes (4 sheets); further notes (1 sheet) “Trokes Mead” – sale advert 1976; sale particulars 1975. “Turf Croft Farm” – (sale particulars 1979), with plan and cutting re sale; sale advert 1981 [note changes!]
Format: MSS notes, Estate Agents particulars, plan, advertisements, newspaper article

Primary Reference: 300000793

Last import: January 27, 2023

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