Burley House Details A-Z Estate Agents particulars, advertisements and other

Description: Unnamed [?] – 2 undated advertisements; cottage in Burley 1982; house in Garden Road, 1972; 1 Howard Close, 1984; 19 Honey Lane, 1984; bungalow at gates to Burley Hill, 1976; house 1954. “Moorhill House Hotel” advert 1952, cutting 1983 “Moor Cottage”, Chapel Lane, 1970 [missing] “Myll Cottage”, letter to Miss H. 1986 “Narrow Water” 1967 “Burley New Cottage” photocopy from book c. 1925 “North Farm” – manuscript notes, 1 sheet “Oak Rest” typescript 3 sheets, Probate valuation August 19th, 1937 (£850) “Oakley Cottage” 1963, 1978 “The Old Cottage”, 1973, 1976 notes re changes of ownership; “Old House”, 1986 “Old Ursula’s = Ursula’s Orchard = Meeting House Mead”. Typescript notes 17 sheets and 2 maps.
Format: MSS and Typewritten Notes, Letter, Advertisements

Primary Reference: 300000791

Last import: January 27, 2023

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