Burley House Details A-Z Estate Agents particulars, advertisements and other

Description: “Holmans Pond” previously “Brightwell”. Letter to Miss H. from [illegible] Brightwell House, Bisterne Close re changes in tenancy dated March 1st, 1964. + Letter to Miss H. from Enid Bevington, Brightwell House, Bisterne Close re changes of residency of Brightwell Cottage, dated October 28th, 1963 + typewritten pages (of Brightwell Deeds dated 1963 + Christmas Card with picture from Eric and Enid Bevington and history of Brightwell/Holmans dated 1965. “Hunnersley”, Wood’s Corner (1981) 2, 1983 “Kenchingtons” manuscript Note “Helmsdale”, Pound Lane, 1979 “Station House at Holmsley” June 1972, article “Easing at last”, Aug. 1972
Format: MSS Notes, Letter, Card, Advertisements

Primary Reference: 300000789

Last import: January 27, 2023

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