Lectures Record Collection Correspondence

Description: Correspondence between Mr. H. Alan Dickson (on Miss Hardcastle’s behalf), Moorhill Cottage, Burley and Miss Philippa White, Archivist, Hampshire Record Office, Winchester: December 1987- September 1990 regarding deposit of Miss Hardcastle’s material. Including Bound copy Hampshire Record Office, Temporary Deposit 206, Hardcastle Collection; Agreement for the Custody of Records dated August, 25th, 1989. Final transfer to New Forest Ninth Centenary Trust - Correspondence August, October, 1989. Also reference to J. Pound 1739 engraving on a piece of beech wood on edge of Vereley Wood.
Format: 11 letters, 2 forms, bound list of items for deposit, Hampshire Record Office pamphlet and env.

Primary Reference: 300000764

Last import: January 27, 2023

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