Burley Village Life –

Author: various
Description: Envelope 4 - “Forest village is a balanced community, not just an ideal stop-over” by Stan Lemon, Newspaper cutting, Western Gazette, June 16, 1978 “Burley Village Life – History and Memories” ”Parish Magazine Articles 1. 1975 - ref. Dr. K. Murray, 1908 and births 2. 1974 - ref. Biddlecombe, C., died 1629 – Contents of Will 3. 1974 - ref. “Old Mac” – chauffeur to Clough, Castle Top 4. Nicknames, 1975 5. Ref. old newspaper 1912 6. 1975, Ref. Lizzie and John King. More re nicknames. 7. 1975 – Burley Flower Club and Burley in Literature (extract from “Skewbald, The New Forest Pony”) 8. 1975 – Cub Scout Report - see Env. 3 “Scouts and Guides” 9. Undated – New Forest Buckhounds at Burley Elinor Wylie – Memories of Burley 1911 George Young – Memories of Burley and Forest 1950 (born 1864) William Retford – Memories of Burley and others. William Retford – Poetry and notes” [Removed to main shelves 1995] Christchurch Times, January 1958 “This is your Village” article Directory of Hants – 1852 and 1878, People of Burley Miscellaneous: - Notes from P. Lewis, 1811 - F.H.’s General review 1952-1977 War Time: 1. Welcome Home Fund 2. Victory Service, 1945 3. World Refugee Year Notice 4. War Effort – fund raising poster 1944 and leaflet 5. Glassing in church 1942 6. Locals serving in WWII 7. Red Cross 8. Miscellaneous “ -
Publisher: various
Format: Newscuttings, handbills, Felicite Hardcastle's typed notes, correspondence, Burley Parish Magazine extracts

Primary Reference: 300000446

Last import: January 27, 2023

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