Newscuttings Forest village is a balance community, not just an idea stop-over

Author: Stan Lemon
Description: Account of Cecil Hood making wooden toys at the old Burley Toy Factory. Also historical events of carved stones including bread stone where locals entitled to charity bread on New Year's Day. Reference also to Miss Hardcastle's book, Queen's Head, smuggler Peter Warne, Boxing Day sport 'Skuggy hunting' (squirrels), croquet, Parish Council planning to keep young in employment and formation of Burley Protection Society. Photographs of old fireplace at Queen's Head with licensee Bryan Holland and his wife Cynthia, the War Memorial and Mr. Brian Marchant looking at bread stone.
Publisher: Western Gazette
Format: Newscutting Article across 2 pages, 3 photographs

Primary Reference: 300000438

Last import: January 27, 2023

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