MISS HARDCASTLE LETTERS (Received), Admiration of book – suggesting a review. Send copy to “Out-of-Doors”, Harlequin Press Ltd., and he will review. FOLLOWING Postcard from “E.” to say just met Mrs. V-F review to be in “The Hants Review” not “Out-of-door

Author: Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian F.L.S.
Description: Admiration of book – suggesting a review. Send copy to “Out-of-Doors”, Harlequin Press Ltd., and he will review. FOLLOWING Postcard from "E." to say just met Mrs. V-F review to be in "The Hants Review" not "Out-of-doors".
Format: Handwritten letter

Primary Reference: 300000301

Last import: January 27, 2023

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