MISS HARDCASTLE LETTERS (Received) F. Hardcastle Esq./Miss F. Hardcastle, 34 Letters and Invoices: Correspondence initiating and detailing arrangements for printing of her book. Sales arrangements to be made by Miss H. After publication, comments rega

Author: Raleigh Press (E.R. Delderfield - Managing Director), Book & Directory Publishers, Printers & Stationers
Description: 34 Letters and Invoices: Correspondence initiating and detailing arrangements for printing of her book. Sales arrangements to be made by Miss H. After publication, comments regarding trade requests for copies: – Cornish Bros. Ltd, Birmingham; Hatchards of London; Messrs. William Heinemann; Messrs. W.H. Smith & Sons Ltd. Includes legal requirement to issue new publications to named official agencies. (1951, Oct 30th)
Format: 34 Letters and Invoices, env., mss note

Primary Reference: 300000264

Last import: January 27, 2023

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