MISS HARDCASTLE LETTERS (Received) Sir, Author of small book on Smugglers. Replying to Miss H’s. request re Warne family. A Mr. Lancaster had story and print of Lovey Warne. Latter published 100 years before. In Doomsday Book, “Burley” was ACHELEI (Oakley

Author: Oakley, E. Russell
Description: Author of small book on Smugglers. Replying to Miss H’s. request re Warne family. A Mr. Lancaster had story and print of Lovey Warne. Latter published 100 years before. In Doomsday Book, “Burley” was ACHELEI (Oakley) hence Oakley inclosure from Burley Moor almost to Minstead.
Format: Typewritten letter

Primary Reference: 300000248

Last import: January 27, 2023

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