MISS HARDCASTLE LETTERS (Received), Referring to enclosure of deeds of land for church, belonging to Shaw Lefevre – worn and spoiled by damp and age. (Since transferred to HARDCASTLE COLLECTION, BOX 9 Env. 1a with copy of letter, dated April 16th, 1900 t

Author: Lester, Janet
Description: Referring to enclosure of deeds of land for church, belonging to Shaw Lefevre – worn and spoiled by damp and age. (Since transferred to HARDCASTLE COLLECTION, BOX 9 Env. 1a with copy of letter, dated April 16th, 1900 to Mrs. Wickham from Isaac Sims of Netherfield Cottage, Bistern Close, Burley)
Format: Handwritten card, Env. Stamp commemorating coronation of GeorgeVI

Primary Reference: 300000213

Last import: January 27, 2023

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