4 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. 20th July 1900. ‘The Straying “Case” as stated’. ‘The League to adopt the Principles of Luttrells Motion (Enclosed).’ [(a) Handwritten letter to G.E.B. Eyre Esq. Redcliffe Square from P. Birkett. Pinned to which is (b)

Author: P Birkett
Description: Birkett says he does not consider the case as it stands will be successful. However, he suggests that amendments to the case should be submitted to the Magistrates Clerk for adoption by the magistrates - an universal practice which Birkett has frequently adopted. Paragraph 2, after the word 'Woborne' insert 'this lane connected 2 pieces of open waste upon which the Commoners were entitled to turn their cattle'. Paragraph 3, substitute 'perambulation' for 'preambulation' and add 'and that the cattle were turned out int he exercise of his forested right of pasturage'. Birkett suggested deleting paragraph 4 (a) and (b) as in his view they were contentious, leaving paragraph (c) but ending it with 'and was entitled to allow his cattle to roam throughout the Forest and along the roads conecting detached portions of the waste'. Birkett considers that these amendments may improve the chance of success, but does not hold out much hope that this will be achieved. Birkett says he has briefed Mr Griffiths accordingly and suggested to him 'the passing of a resolution by the League Committee virtually adopting the principles contained in Mr Luttrell's proposed motion on the 2nd Reading of the Military Movements Bill. This will leave the ground free for the League to take action as soon as they hear any rumours of the re-introduction of the Bill'.
Publisher: None
Period covered: 20-Jul-00
Format: Letter: Handwritten letter on address printed notepaper. Signed by Birkett but written by someone else - ?a clerk.

Primary Reference: 300000019

Last import: December 21, 2022

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