Manoeuvring in the New Forest

Author: unknown
Description: A newspaper article on the manoeurves undertaken on the Common (possibly in 1898) by 'our Volunteers' - the men of the 2nd Hants - describing striking tents on Tuesday, breakfasting on bread and butter, then working all day without another bite of food until the evening and deploring this treatment to which 'regular soldiers' would not be submitted. On Wednesday the Commander-in-Chief, Lord Wolseley, was an interested and critical spectator of the 'real fighting day' and complimented the battalion officers, his commendations were supplemented by congratulation to Brigadier-General Chichton (misprint for Crichton) and his staff, and advice to other officers.
Publisher: unknown
Period covered: possibly 1898 and linked to cutting of 4 June 1898 from …E Advertiser County Newspaper CTL2016.1.5
Format: Newspaper cutting: Printed

Primary Reference: 300000004

Last import: December 21, 2022

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