Forest Matters – Review of the New Forest Association – Autumn/Winter 2021

Author: New Forest Association
Series title: Issue No.10
Date: 2021
Description: Fruits of the forest: Mycena Haematopus is one of the spectacular array of funji to be found in Autumn pp.3 Letter rom the Chairman pp.4 Introducing the new Deputy Surveyor appointed to the New Forest, Craig Harrison pp.5-6 Poaching in the Forest and 17th century Justice pp.7-9 A New Forest Upbringing pp.10-11 The Effect of Atmospheric Pollution on the New Forest pp.12-13 Cycling for Wellbeing pp.14 Six Weeks Ago... pp.15-18 Managing Events on the New Forest Crown Lands pp.19-21 Connecting the Heart of the Forest to the Coast pp.22-23 Book Reviews pp.24 Inspired by the New Forest
Publisher: New Forest Association
Shelf mark: FF11/21.5

Primary Reference: 165199

Last import: November 1, 2023

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