Conveyance 1. Henry Smith Adlington of Holme Hale Hall, Norfolk, Esq. Louisa Wakeman of Coton Hall nr…

Description: Conveyance 1. Henry Smith Adlington of Holme Hale Hall, Norfolk, Esq. Louisa Wakeman of Coton Hall nr Bridgnorth, widow Emily Offley Cary of The Woodlands nr Leamington, Wars, widow 2. Sir Offley Wakeman of Coton Hall, bart. 3. William Gough of Chirbury, gent. Recital settlement of 24 June 1830 Recital will of Sir Offley Penbury Wakeman 19 Dec. 1848 Recital codicil 13 March 1856. Testator died 21 Sept. 1858 Order 10 July 1875 by the Rt. Hon. The Master of the Rolls on a petition presented by Sir Offley Wakeman, bart. and others on 3 May 1875 in the matter of Act 19 & 20 Vict. Capt.120 to facilitate leases and sale of settled estates and of Act 21 & 22 Vict. Cap. 77 "to amend & extend the Settled Estates Act of 1856" and Act of 27 & 28 Vic. cap.45 "An Act to further amend the Settled Estates Act of 1856" and of the Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Amendment Act 1874", and in the matter of, inter alia, a farm, messuages and lands (119a 3r 15p) in and near the Village of Priest Weston, Chirbury (Rd Pryce) and of a cottage and garden (1r 37p) in the village and parish (Thomas Richards) being hereditaments devised by the will of Sir Offley Penbury Wakeman, bart., decd. to uses limited re his estates in Co. Salop and of which the property below to be conveyed forms part, his Honour is of the opinion it was proper and consistent that a sale be authorised of the houses, farms and lands mentioned in the title of the order. Ordered, that, inter alia, the farm, houses and lands in Chirbury should be sold with the approbation of the judge, the money from the sale being paid into the Court ex parte Sir Offley Wakeman , and order that thepetitioners Henry Smith Adlington, Louisa Wakeman, widow, and Emily Offly Cary, widow, surviving trustees of the will should execute the deed or deeds of conveyance to thepurchaser. In pursuance of the order the hereditaments in Chirbury with other hereditaments were put up for sale by auction on 31 Dec. 1875 in several lots, the premises below were lots 4 & 5. William Gough was the highest bidder for them at £3,620 and paid £362 deposit to Mr Lawrence Burd of Shrewsbury and L.Burd on 29 Jan. 1876 paid £362 into Court. Condition of sale that the purchaser pay the value of the timber down to 1/- per stick to be ascertained by valuation. The value of timber of timber-like trees, tellers and pollards on Lots 4 & 5 was valued at £380. Order of Court 10 March inst. ordered William Gough before 25 March inst. to pay £3,258 into Court. In consideration of £362 and £3638, making £4000 paid by Gough, conveyance to William Gough of the farm called The Weston Farm with the house, homestead and cottage thereon at Priest Weston, Chirbury, with 3 allotments (91a 3r 20p) in the first part of the schedule below and in map coloured pink; pieces of pasture near Priest Weston (12a 2r 7p) in 2nd part of the schedule, in map coloured blue. To William Gough and his heirs forever. Plan and schedule of field names and acreages.
Date: 30/03/1876
Last import: September 11, 2017

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