Settlement upon the marriage of (i) and (ii)

Description: 17 September 1823 (i) John Morant of Brockenhurst, esquire (ii) Honourable Caroline Augusta Hay, commonly called Lady Caroline Augusta Hay, a minor aged 19, third daughter of William Hay Carr, late Earl of Erroll, Scotland, deceased (iii) Edward Gregory Morant Gale of Upham House, Hampshire, esquire and Samuel Lambert of Hinde Street, Manchester Square, St. Marylebone, Middlesex, lieutenant colonel in H.M. Army (iv) Freeman Willis Eliot of Cumberland Street, Portman Square, St. Marylebone, Middlesex, esquire guardian and maternal uncle of (ii); Rt. Hon. William George Hay Carr, Earl of Erroll, brother of (ii) (v) Rt. Hon. George, Earl of Glasgow, and Charles Hay Cameron of the Inner Temple, London, esquire Four plantations or sugar works commonly called The Bog, Ballards River, Chatteau and Pinders River in the parish of Vere and Clarendon in Jamaica; and pieces of land measuring 252a. and 210a. situated near the Cross in Clarendon, formerly part of Samuel Long's estate and abutting southerly and part westerly on land belonging to Morgans Valley estate, and westerly and north-westerly on Chatteau estate and seven plantations, northerly and north-easterly on the seven Plantations estate belonging to Ashley estate; the slaves appertaining to the estates are listed in the schedule giving details of name, colour, age and whether African or Creole, with remarks A term of 200 years is limited to (v) from (i)'s death for securing a jointure of £700 p.a. for (ii) if she shall survive (i) A term of 100 years is limited to (iv) to raise £150 p.a. for whomsoever (ii) shall direct and in default to (ii) for her pinmoney, exclusive of (i)'s rights Sewn to the deed of settlement is the affidavit of James Burgis and George Holland, clerks to John Spottiswoode and David Robertson of Westminster esquires, concerning the deed taken before the Mayor of London, 13 March 1824
Date: 01/01/1823 - 31/12/1823
Last import: September 11, 2017

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