Probate (Lewes) of the will (27 Dec 1750) of Ann Wood of Ditchling, widow

Description: Pecuniary and chattel bequests to three daughters Ann Brown, Elizabeth Combridge and Sarah Hallett; eldest son Henry Wood, sons James Wood, Thomas Wood and William Wood; grandchildren Nathaniel, James, Peter, Henry, John and Ann Brown, Elizabeth Prior and Mary Brown; Mary Hallett and Ann Hallett Messuage, barn, garden and croft in Ditchling, purchased from Thomas Davies, to son Richard Wood Executors: sons Thomas and Richard Wood; overseers: James Wood of Keymer, yeoman, Michael Martin of Rottingdean, yeoman and Peter Geere of Ashurst, yeoman W: Elizabeth Fuller, Simeon Buckman, Thomas Hallett
Date: 22/09/1753
Last import: September 11, 2017

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