Gruffith ap Jollyn Cregor of Pentrepant in the lordship of Whitinton grants and confirms by this charter in fee farm, to Rice ap Gruffith burges of Oswestry, one acre arable and one third part of a more called Edecune Barley

Description: The acre is in the vill of Porkynton in a place called Pontrepant, in breadth between land of the lord of Whitinton and land of Llewellyn ap Jevan Brydeth, extending in length from land of the said lord to the said moor Rent, one red rose at the Nativity of St John Baptist for all services and secular demands. Warranty Witnesses:- William Stanley knight, then steward there, Thomas Forster bailiff there, Body ap ' ap Tudor, John ap Jevan ap Atha, John ap Deic ap Llewellyn, Oliven at Porkynton. Seal lost
Date: 01/01/1462 - 31/12/1462
Last import: September 11, 2017

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