Leases for years and lives [arrangement and details as under MONTACUTE DDPH 63-73] of properties in Shepton Montague

Description: Bolsham, Bolster (of Bruton), Corpe and Dyttye (both of Charlton Musgrove), Dore, Feilde, Greenwaye, Keen alias Mogge (also of Brewham), Marshe of Redlynch, Mogge, Osmund alias Hill, Smyth, Willton. There are references to arable in the North, East and West Fields, and indications of change from copyhold to leasehold; 1608 lease has profile of face in initial letter; 1611 lease endorsed about exchange [? enclosure by consolidation] of 44a. of arable, temp.Hugh Wyndham.
Date: 01/01/1603 - 31/12/1616
Last import: September 11, 2017

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