Baptisms, burials; Marriages

Description: loose - portrait of Sir Thomas de Hungerford, First Speaker of the House of Commons, 1372 & photo of monument in church to Dorothy Popham, 1614. Ref to new built parsonage house, 1629 (nov.) Gap 1640-1652, baps. and marrs. pages removed; some baps. and marrs. 1641, 1648; gap burs. 1639-1665. No entries 1658-1662. 1653-1679 out of sequence (NB register rebound and repaired 1899, by Binding Dept. British Museum). Note of swearing of Samuel Pardite as 'Register', 1653; memo re 17thC alterations to church, furnishings. Irises charity, 1619; note of bells erected and donations, 1685; list of church plate, n.d. loose, extract from transfer register re transfer of advowson, 1955. Letter and notice re listing of church by Min. of Housing 1956.
Date: 01/01/1561 - 31/12/1561
Last import: September 11, 2017

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