Gift. 1. William Hyde of Rewardyn 2. Robert Greyndore, Esq., A tenement called Hyde Smith with a shop…
Description: Gift. 1. William Hyde of Rewardyn 2. Robert Greyndore, Esq., A tenement called Hyde Smith with a shop adjoining in the will of Rewardyn in length from the highway leading to "Magnum Den" on one side and the meadow of Nicholas Walwayn on the other, and in length between the garden of Thomas Hyde on one side and the tenement of John Bysshop on the other. Also a meadow called Westendmedew in Rewardyn in length from the highway leading to Magnum Den on one side and the meadow of John Baker on the other and in breadth from the highway leading to Walleford on one side and the garden of John Hekoks on the other. To hold of the chief lords of the fee for services due. Witnesses; John Hekoks, John Baker, Thomas Baly, "and many others" At Rewardyn, Wednesday after Epiphany, 11 Henry VI Seal; an anchor (?)
Date: 06/01/1433
Last import: September 11, 2017