Copy grant of £20 rentcharge in trust

Description: 319 Samuel Wilson Warneford of Bourton on the Hill clerk, LLD, to Ashurst Turner, bishop of Chichester, Julius C Hart clerk, archdeacon of Lewes, John Olive clerk, vicar of Hellingly and Inigo Thomas of Ratton [in Willingdon] esq Rentcharge of £20 charged on Springhams Farm Hellingly, to maintain a Sunday school and school to be erected on a piece of land (24½p) conveyed in trust between the same parties by a deed of even date, the bounds of which are: N, W: SWW's land called Banky Piece or Hill; S: vicarage glebe; E: Vicarage Lane
Date: 25/03/1843
Last import: September 11, 2017

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