Indented agreement [by way of marriage settlement]

Description: MANORS AND LORDSHIPS OF BROOKE AND LANGLANDS, I.W. with the RECTORY OF BROOK and the chapel there and appertenances in Brook, Langlands, Newporte, Caresbrook, Adderton, Newchurch, Bordewood, Bradinge, Bymbridge, Whippingham, Ageston and Lymington (1) Thomas Boreman of Brook, esq. (2) William Boreman, gent., s. and heir of (1) (3) Thomas Worsley of Chale, I.W., esq. William Mewes of Kingston, I.W., esq. [Trustees] (2) to marry Barbara, d. of Thomas Worsley [ex 16M48/198]
Date: 01/01/1606 - 31/12/1606
Last import: September 11, 2017

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