Administration with Will (dated 28 April 1734) annexed of the goods of Mary Viger, ‘late’ of Balcombe, wid

Description: Bequeaths to grandson John Lullingden, one shilling, if demanded; to grand-daughter, Katherine, w. of Richard Batchelor, one shilling and a pair of 'towen' sheets; to grand-daughter, Sarah, dau. of Richard and Sarah Ware, £10; to grand-daughters Mary and Hannah Blanch, daus. of Nicholas Blanch and w. Hannah £5 apiece; to grandsons Richard, Thomas and John Apted, 20s. and a pair of 'towen' sheets apiece; to grandson William Gibson, s. of the late William Gibson and w. Mary, £4 and one pair of flaxen sheets; to grandson John Viger, £4 Her bed and steadle, healling and all other furniture thereto belonging and her gold ring, to be equally divided between her two daughters, Hannah, w. of Nicholas Blanch, and Sarah, w. of Richard Ware; all her wearing apparel, both linen and woollen, silk handkerchiefs and all other 'waireing implements' to be equally divided between her four daughters, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah and Hannah, but desiring that Mary may have her best straw hat in her part Appoints daus. Sarah, w. of Richard Ware, and Hannah, w. of Nicholas Blanch as joint residuary legatees and joint executrices Administration granted by the Commissary of the Bishop of Chichester for the Archdeaconry of Lewes to Richard Ware and Nicholas Blanch, the executrices named having renounced probate
Date: 08/04/1735
Last import: September 11, 2017

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