Conveyance. 25 October 1727

Description: 1. William Strickland of Hale in parish of Beetham, husbandman 2. John Dickinson of Overthwaite, maltster and Edmond Bradley of Hale, husbandman, both of Beetham Premises: cottage or dwelling house with one backside, orchard, and garden on the backside, together with one little close of ½ acre, and moss-room in Hale mosses between mosses of Edmond Bradley and Richard Parke, all at Hale in manor of Beetham and held of James, Earl of Derby by yearly customary rent of 1s. 10½d. with 1d. prescript money in lieu of all tithe hay payable to Rectory of Beetham Consideration: £30 Endorsement: Licenced, 23 October 1729, by Tho Wilson, steward of manor of Beetham
Date: 01/01/1727 - 31/12/1727
Last import: September 11, 2017

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