Bargain and Sale. To the use of George Burley in Trust for Jerome de Salis. Parties:- (1) a.Thomas Chapman of Richmond, Surrey, b.William Rutt of Satwell, Berks, c.James Trumper of Harefield, Middx. (2) The Hon. Jerome de Salis of Hillingdon (Court of the

Description: Bargain and Sale. To the use of George Burley in Trust for Jerome de Salis. Parties:- (1) a.Thomas Chapman of Richmond, Surrey, b.William Rutt of Satwell, Berks, c.James Trumper of Harefield, Middx. (2) The Hon. Jerome de Salis of Hillingdon (Court of the Holy Roman Empire) (3) George Burley of Lincoln's Inn, gentlemen.
Date: 01/01/1815 - 31/12/1815
Last import: September 11, 2017

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