Charter of Feoffement. Deed poll.

Description: Henry Snellard [Suellard'?] to Sir William Scoche, Vicar of All Saints', his heirs and assigns: A ten. which Henry had by gift from William Maning, sometime Rector of S. Laurence, and by Will of Hugh de Welles, sometime burgess, in Wynchstret; between the ten. late of Robert Marescall' and the ten. of John de Leye, in the parish of S. Peter. Yearly rent 12d. at Michaelmas to the lords in chief for services, demands and suits of court. In cons. of a sum of money paid. Warranty against all men and women. Note of sealing. Witnesses: Richard de Manegodesfeld', Mayor. Walter Franceys and Thomas de la Grave, Bailiffs. Thomas de Wych. Adam de la Bortherne. John Marescall'. Robert Water ledar. Robert Goldbetar'. John de Lepe; and others. Not dated. Seal: absent. Tag torn off. Endorsed: [VB] yn Wynchestrete xij d [A] Tem. Richd de Mandgodesfield Maior Bristoll' R:H: number and date. 59. [cancellation mark?] o X Note: Latimer dated this deed by the Mayor and officers; he could not find de la Grave as one of the Bailiffs in any deed.
Date: 01/01/1289 - 31/12/1290
Last import: September 11, 2017

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