Articles of Agreement. (i) Hercules Hale, Mullion, and John his son. (ii) Edwd. Kempthorne, sen., Mullion, yeo. (i)…

Description: Articles of Agreement. (i) Hercules Hale, Mullion, and John his son. (ii) Edwd. Kempthorne, sen., Mullion, yeo. (i) agreement for (ii)'s purchase of Trewoone in Mullion for £105. (ii) part of tenement already leased to Stephen Odger, John Bodinner and Richard Pearse was not to be included in purchase. From Michaelmas lessees to pay rents to (ii). (iii) After fine has been passed (see KP/17-19), (ii) to seal a lease to (i) of part of Trewoon in (i)'s possession for 3 lives or 99 yrs. (iv) (i) to pay 6s 8d. rent yearly for above lease and only to charge a heriot of 4d. on death of every life. (v) (i) to have liberty to cut down timber for repairs of his leasehold tenement. (vi) (i) to be free to exchange any one of the three lives within 2 years after the date of the lease without any consideration being paid. Witnessed: Robt. Streeke. Endorsed: '2'.
Date: 24/09/1655
Last import: September 11, 2017

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